Personal licence

You need a personal licence if you’re responsible for supervising the selling and supply of alcohol.

A personal licence is separate from a premises licence, which authorises a premises to be used for the supply of alcohol and other licensable activities.

The licensing of individuals permits the movement of personal licence holders from one premise to another, allowing greater flexibility.

Why do I need a personal licence?

If a premises licence includes the sale or supply of alcohol then, by law, a designated premises supervisor must have a personal licence. This person must also be named on the premises licence as the person responsible for the day-to-day running of the premises. It’s not necessary for all staff selling alcohol to hold a personal licence.

A personal licence relates only to the supply of alcohol under a premises licence. You do not need a personal licence for other licensable activities such as the provision of regulated entertainment or late night refreshment, or the supply of alcohol under a club premises certificate.

In the case of Temporary Event Notices (TENs), personal licence holders will be able to apply for 50 each year. There is a limit of five for non-personal licence holders.

Licence renewals

Renewals of personal licences are no longer necessary. Personal licences remain valid unless surrendered, suspended, revoked or declared forfeit by the courts.

Applying for a personal licence

To apply for a personal licence you must:

  • be over 18
  • hold an accredited Personal Licensing Qualification - This is to ensure that licence holders are aware of licensing law and the wider social responsibilities attached to the sale of alcohol
  • have a disclosure and barring service check, issued no more than 28 days before us receiving your application
  • submit both the application form and a declaration of convictions
  • pay a fee

Personal Licence Application (PDF File, 269kb)

Click this link to pay online

If you’ve committed any relevant offences the police can make a representation against the application on crime prevention grounds. If the police make a representation within 14 days of receipt of application then there will be a hearing by the council's licensing committee or delegated panel to determine the application within 20 working days.

If no representations are received then the licence will be granted on the 15th day after receipt. The name and licence number of all holders of personal licences are recorded in a public register.

If the application is refused you can appeal to the Magistrates Court within 21 days of being notified of the decision and the grounds for it.

Obligations once a licence is granted

Once you are a licence holder you must:

  • notify us of any convictions received after it is granted
  • surrender your licence to us within 14 days, when required
  • inform us if you wish to surrender your licence
  • not use your licence if it is suspended by us or by a court
  • inform us and apply for a copy if your licence is lost, stolen or destroyed
  • Personal licence change of details form (PDF File, 373kb), pay a £10.50 fee and surrender the licence for updating
  • notify the court immediately and produce your licence to that court if charged with a relevant offence
  • produce your licence on request to any police constable or person authorised by us, when you are on licensed premises.

In any of the above circumstances, you must inform us in writing as soon as possible.