Council's constitution

Newark and Sherwood has a constitution which sets out how we operate, how decisions are made and the procedures we follow to ensure we are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by law, while others are chosen and set by the Council.

The constitution is divided into eight parts. ‌The constitution is such a large document, we’ve divided it into a number of smaller parts to reduce download time.  A copy of the full Constitution can also be found here: Council's Constitution (Full Version) (PDF File, 2,094kb).

Part A - Summary & Introduction (PDF File, 70kb) - The Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures that are in place to ensure decisions are proportionate, transparent, efficient and accountable to local people.

Part B - Public Participation (PDF File, 187kb) - details the way in which the Council engages with the public e.g. Petition Scheme; Questions for consideration at Council meetings; Council Tenants Engagement Board; and Access to Information Procedure Rules.

Part C - Responsibility for Functions (PDF File, 690kb) - setting out the way in which functions have been allocated and who within the Council has responsibility e.g. whether a specific function has been allocated to the Council, the Cabinet, or an officer to perform.

Part D - Procedure Rules (PDF File, 418kb)- detailing the rules of all functions carried out by the Council and its committees, including rules on debate in meetings.

Part E - Financial Governance (PDF File, 727kb) - detailing the Financial Regulations which provide the framework of controls and standards necessary to achieve the proper administration of the Council's financial affairs.

Part F - Councillors (PDF File, 193kb) - detailing the Code of Conduct adopted by the Council and other supplementary protocols which governs the ethical standards required of Members.

Part G - Officers (PDF File, 89kb) - details the Employee Code of Conduct and Officer Employment Procedure rules.

Part H - Protocols (PDF File, 199kb) - details the protocols for individual Portfolio Holder/Officer decision making, the protocol for appointments to Outside Bodies and details of the Local Code of Corporate Governance.

Archived Constitutions


Related Documents

Planning Scheme of Delegation [661kb]  - details the delegation arrangements to Authorised Officers for planning and associated functions (e.g. planning enforcement).

Protocol for Planning Committee [1,238kb] - provides the supplementary protocol for Members on dealing with planning matters as required under Part F.