Renting from another social landlord

In addition to renting with us, you can consider renting with housing associations. Housing Associations are also known as Registered Providers (RP’s) and are partly financed by Government grants to allow them to build or modernise affordable housing. Some provide more specialised accommodation for people with specific needs, such as sheltered accommodation for older people.

Some housing associations run their own application process and may not advertise properties through the council choice based lettings system. If you are interested in renting a property from any of these providers please visit their website for further information on how to apply.


The following housing associations have properties to rent in the Newark and Sherwood district which they may advertise directly:

Nottingham Community Housing Association Search our Homes - Affordable and Social Housing - NCHA | NCHA

Anchor Hanover Retirement Properties to Rent Near You - Anchor

St Leonard’s Hospital Trust email

Framework Housing Association

Johnnie Johnson Housing


The following housing associations only advertise their properties through the Council choice based lettings scheme:

Accent Housing:

Advance Housing and Support

East Midlands Housing

Longhurst Group

Paragon Asra Housing

Platform Housing Group

The Riverside Group

Stonewater LTD

Places for people (Derwent Living)


If you are interested in applying for a council home, or a home from one of the housing providers that only advertise through our choice based lettings system, you will need to apply to join the housing register. Find out more about renting a council home and how to apply to join the housing register.