Council strategies
The Council has strategies, procedures, and policies to plan for the future and govern the way we work. They help make sure everyone understands our priorities for the district and how we can work towards them.
We base our strategies on information, feedback and research we gather from residents, other agencies and the government. Strategies are reviewed regularly to make sure they're still relevant and based on the district's needs. Many of them are created in consultation with our partners and with you, our residents.
Our policies give us a framework for the way we operate. They guide decisions, ensuring we're working in a legal, fair and consistent manner.
Key strategies
- Community Plan 2023-2027 (PDF File, 11,236kb)
- Consultation and Engagement Strategy (PDF File, 497kb)
- Newark & Sherwood Economic Growth Strategy 2021-2026 (PDF File, 1,281kb)
- Visitor economy strategy 2020-23 (PDF File, 7,849kb)
- Equality and diversity strategy (PDF File, 871kb)
- Financial Governance (PDF File, 648kb)
- ICT strategy (PDF File, 4,092kb)
- Customer experience strategy (PDF File, 1,600kb)
- Commercialisation Strategy 2022 - 26 (PDF File, 532kb)
- Housing Strategy and Delivery Plan 2023 - 2028 (PDF File, 1,390kb)
- Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeper Strategy 2024 - 2029 (PDF File, 361kb)
Other council strategies and policies
- Anti-fraud and corruption strategy (PDF File, 658kb)
- Anti-money laundering policy February 2021 (PDF File, 914kb)
- Armed forces covenant
- Children and adults safeguarding policy
- Council enforcement policy (PDF File, 334kb)
- Gifts and hospitality policy (PDF File, 228kb)
- Protocol for members on hospitality and gifts (PDF File, 79kb)
- Revised waste framework directive compliance document (PDF File, 2,973kb)
- RIPA policy
- WEEE policy for the disposal of ICT equipment (PDF File, 88kb)
- Whistle blowing policy (PDF File, 116kb)
Sports and physical activity strategies
- Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy 2023 (PDF File, 2,219kb)
- Physical activity and sport plan 2018 to 2021 (PDF File, 1,901kb)
- Sport and recreation facilities improvement plan 2014 to 2021 (PDF File, 5,480kb)
- Sport and recreation facilities improvement plan 2014 to 2021 swimming (PDF File, 2,146kb)
- Sport and recreation facilities improvement plan 2014 to 2021 sports halls (PDF File, 754kb)