Supplementary Planning Documents and guidance

Consultation Now Open

The consultation on the Draft Interim Affordable Housing SPD and Draft Solar Energy SPD consultation are now open. The consultation will close on Tuesday 23rd September 2024 and will close at 5pm.

Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide further detail on policies within the District’s Development Plan.‌ The following SPDs and Guidance are available on our website to view:

Affordable Housing SPD

Conversion of Traditional Rural Buildings SPD (PDF File, 463kb)

Developer Contributions SPD (PDF File, 774kb)

Householder Development SPD (PDF File, 4,470kb)

Landscape Character Assessment SPD (PDF File, 24,776kb)

Residential Cycle and Car Parking Standards and Design Guide SPD (PDF File, 16,624kb)

Shopfronts and Advertisements Design Guide SPD (PDF File, 2,279kb)

Wind Energy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (PDF File, 428kb) 

Solar Energy SPD

Guidance for New Developments Waste and Recycling (PDF File, 280kb)

Please note: We no longer provide a template for Unilateral Undertakings, and encourage early engagement with the Council where this approach is being proposed.