Planning enforcement plan (PEP) - Planning enforcement
Following national guidance, we have produced a Planning Enforcement Plan (PDF File, 453kb) to give members and the general public clearer understanding of how we function. It details how we manage enforcement proactively and in a way that is approp...
What is a breach of planning control? - Planning enforcement
A breach of planning control is defined in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as: “the carrying out of a development without the required planning permission, or failing to comply with any condition or limitation subject to which planning permi...
Planning conditions - Planning decisions
Planning conditions are applied to almost every grant of planning permission. Conditions are important and must be read and understood. They can limit and control the way in which your planning permission can be carried out. Conditions are generally ...
Providing feedback on the planning service - View or comment on a planning application
Have you used our online planning service or contacted us about a planning matter? We’re always keen to hear about your experiences to make sure we’re providing the best services we can. More information can be found on our page....
What happens after planning permission is granted? - Planning decisions
If your application is approved, we’ll send the decision notice out to you or your agent. Most planning applications that are approved have conditions attached to them and these will be listed on your decision notice. Obtaining planning permission ...
Who attends planning committee meetings? - Planning committee
The planning committee is a public meeting that anyone can attend. You do not have to stay for the whole meeting. Our planning committee is made up of 15 members of the Council. Some officers of the Council also attend, including business managers, p...
Planning enforcement register - Planning enforcement
Our planning enforcement register provides a record of enforcement notices, stop notices and breach of condition notices served within the district since 2012. For details of notices served prior to 2012, please ....
Planning enforcement - Planning feedback
If you believe that work, including tree removal, has been undertaken without the correct planning permission you should report it. You can find out more on how to do so on our . We have a duty to investigate all reports of potential breaches of plan...
If you’re unhappy with the planning conditions - Planning decisions
If you do not agree with the conditions we’ve imposed on your planning application, you can try to get them removed so you no longer have to comply with them. To try to remove a condition you can either: appeal the imposition of the condition(s) t...
Planning committee site visits - Planning committee
Councillors may choose to undertake a site visit. These normally take place during the morning on the day of committee. A letter will be sent to the applicant or agent before the visit to ensure access is available. We’ll normally spend around 10 ...
What happens if a planning breach is identified? - Planning enforcement
If a breach is found to have occurred then the person(s) responsible have the right to apply for retrospective planning permission. If a breach cannot be resolved then formal enforcement action may be taken. An enforcement notice may be issued, requi...
Appeal being considered by the Planning Inspectorate - View or comment on a planning application
In the event of an appeal being considered by the Planning Inspectorate, we will forward redacted copies of all comments made and accepted, to the Planning Inspectorate as part of the appeals process. For a householder or minor commercial applicati...
Supplementary Planning Documents - Supplementary Planning Documents and guidance
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide further detail on policies within the District’s Development Plan. The following SPDs and Guidance are available on our website to view: Conversion of Traditional Rural Buildings SPD (PDF File, 46...
If your application is going to planning committee - Planning committee
We’ll let you or your agent know if an application is to be determined at planning committee. You can view the agenda for on our website. For each application going to committee, we write a committee report. Each report includes: a description of...
Planning decisions - Planning feedback
We understand that applicants, agents and members of the community may not always agree with the decisions we make as the local planning authority. You can send feedback on any application – please to do so. Once a decision has been made, applic...
What happens if planning permission is refused? - Planning decisions
If your planning application has been refused, the decision notice will set out the reasons why. The decision notice will also tell you how you can against the refusal. It’s usually a good idea to talk to us before you make an appeal as there may...
Planning constraints - Planning constraints
Conservation areas If your application site lies within a you’ll have to include details of the impact your proposal will have as part of a Design and Access Statement. Find out more about Design and Access Statements on the Planning Portal websi...
Interested in producing a neighbourhood plan? - Neighbourhood planning
We have a duty to assist interested councils and communities in producing their neighbourhood plans. For further details email or call 01636 650000. Find out more about neighbourhood planning on the government...
How to comment on a planning application - View or comment on a planning application
You should submit your comments to us within 21 days of the date of a notification letter, site notice or press advertisement. After this time you can still submit the comment if permission is yet to be decided, but the Council can make its decision...
Planning - Barnby-in-the-Willows Parish Council
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Planning - Bathley Parish Council
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Planning - Caunton Parish Council
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Planning - Coddington Parish Council
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Planning - Edingley Parish Council
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Planning - Hawton Parish Council
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Planning - Kneesall, Kersall and Ompton Parish Council
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Planning - Norwell Parish Council
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Planning - Oxton Parish Council
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Planning - Rolleston Parish Council
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Planning - Rufford Parish Council
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Planning - South Muskham and Little Carlton Parish Council
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Planning - Upton Parish Council
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Planning - Walesby Parish Council
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Planning - Wellow Parish Council
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Planning - Wigsley Parish Council
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Applying to discharge your planning conditions - Planning decisions
It’s important to discharge your conditions before you start your development. If you do not do this, the development will be unauthorised and we may consider taking enforcement action. Conditions either: must be complied with before a development...
National planning policy - Evidence Base Library
ND10 National Planning Policy Framework (PDF File, 869kb) ND11 Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PDF File, 130kb)...
Planning permission self-assessment forms - Do I need planning permission?
Self Assessment form A - extensions amended (PDF File, 242kb)- attached to the dwelling. Includes conservatories, garages etc. and alterations to include windows, verandas, balconies Self Assessment form B - outbuildings (PDF File, 237kb) - includes...
What's the process for creating a neighbourhood plan? - Neighbourhood planning
There are three main stages in producing a neighbourhood plan: Getting established, including getting designated as a neighbourhood area, building an evidence base and engaging with local residents, partners and stakeholders. Preparing the plan, inc...
Planning feedback - Customer complaints and feedback
If you have any complaints regarding the planning service, for example, how the service is provided or the conduct of an officer please provide your feedback as normal. If you want to provide feedback relating to a planning decision or planning enfor...
Planning permission - Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
Some larger houses also require planning permission. For further advice ....
Planning laws - Temporary events notice
The giving of a temporary event notice does not relieve the premises user from any requirements under planning law for appropriate planning permission where it is required....
Planning committee
Planning committee is a formal meeting of councillors who make decisions on certain planning applications. The committee is usually held every four weeks. Meetings generally start at 4pm at . You can view previous or upcoming agendas, minutes and ...
Who creates a neighbourhood plan? - Neighbourhood planning
Neighbourhood plans and neighbourhood development orders can only be prepared by a Parish or Town Council in parished areas. In areas where there is no Parish or Town Council, a neighbourhood forum can lead on coordinating neighbourhood planning for ...
Planning fees - Submitting an application
Most applications need a planning fee. The decision to charge for planning applications has been made by Parliament and therefore the scale of fees is the same throughout England and Wales. Planning fees increase confirmed.The Government released d...
Air Quality and Planning - Air pollution
The Supplementary Planning Guidance for Air Quality (PDF File, 1,526kb) has been prepared in conjunction with the East Midlands Air Quality Network (EMAQN) and has been developed to supplement the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), with the...
What to include in your comments - View or comment on a planning application
When you comment on a planning application, the main thing to remember is that we can only take planning related matters into account when making a decision. This applies to planning applications across the UK. Planning matters normally relate to iss...
Local heritage assets and planning permission - Local heritage assets
In cases where planning permission is required for the redevelopment of a site, the loss of a non-designated heritage asset forms part of the decision-making process. In accordance with paragraph 197 of the National Planning Policy Framework, a judge...
Thurgarton neighbourhood plan - Made Neighbourhood Plans
The Thurgarton Neighbourhood Plan was adopted on 19 May 2017. The plan therefore now forms part of the development plan for the district and can be used in the determination of planning applications in the Thurgarton area. More information can be ...
Fernwood neighbourhood plan - Made Neighbourhood Plans
The Fernwood Neighbourhood Plan was adopted on 28 September 2017. The plan therefore now forms part of the development plan for the district and can be used in the determination of planning applications in the Fernwood area. More information can be ...