Careline - Tenancy services

is an independent living service that allows you to raise an alarm from anywhere in your home. We provide 24 hour monitoring, 365 days a year from our local call centre....

Safe spaces - Domestic abuse

Safe Spaces aren't just for contacting a domestic abuse helpline. If want to leave an abusive relationship, and need somewhere private to get things sorted, Safe Spaces are open for you. Find a safe space in a bank or pharmacy near you. Victims of...

Office suites - Business units to rent

Church Farm Business Centre Set around a gated courtyard in the heart of Edwinstowe village, Church Farm Business Centre hosts eight modern, self-contained office suites. The suites all have capacity for several IT workstations and access to broadba...

News - Hawton Parish Council

Crops Obstructing Footpaths Notts County Council are asking local residents to inform them at 0115 977 4802 if they are aware of any public footpaths on arable land in the parish that are being obstructed by crops. Senior Rights of Way Officer for th...

Crime prevention - Business continuity

Burglary or robberies can mean a loss of goods and also present a risk of harm to staff and customers. Make yourself, your business and your staff less vulnerable to crime by following advice from Nottinghamshire Police....

Southwell - Town Centre Development

With a bustling market place and plethora of independent shops, Southwell is a must-shop destination. Home to the famous Bramley apple, Southwell Minster and The Workhouse there’s plenty to keep residents and visitors busy in this charming market...

Where can I find a card? - Ollerton Happy Families

Cards are hidden in the following shops: Merry Maid Cooplands Sherwood Florists Post Office Soul Cemetery Emporium - please note between 16 - 27 August Soul Cemetery Emporium's cards can be found in the shop next door, Grandma's Front Room. Raw & Pa...

Newark - Town Centre Development

Newark is a vibrant market town situated along the river Trent in Nottinghamshire. It offers visitors a wealth of history, charming shops, a packed events programme and excellent eating places. Find out about the and how it’s investing in the futur...

Appendices - Landscape Character Assessment SPD

Appendix A - Methodology (PDF File, 500kb) Appendix B - LCA Survey Guidance (PDF File, 74kb) Appendix C - LCP Field Survey Information Guidance (PDF File, 89kb) Appendix D - Sherwood Field Survey Sheets (PDF File, 10,255kb) Appendix E - Mid Notts Fa...

Ollerton and Boughton - Town Centre Development

Ollerton and Boughton began as farming villages before coal was discovered and the populations of both increased as people from all over the country moved to the area for work. Today, Ollerton and Boughton is a market town conveniently situated in th...

Types of noise - Noise nuisances

Under the law, we are able to investigate problems from various noise sources that are considered a statutory nuisance, these include: neighbour noise, including loud music, parties or DIY at unacceptable times construction noise entertainment noise...

Exempt waste operations

Under the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2010, most activities concerned with managing or treating waste must have a permit.  There are some exceptions, which do not require an environmental permit, but do need to be registered. They are sub...

Help and support for residents. - Humanitarian Assistance Response Team

Information for the clinically extremely vulnerable on the future of the shielding programme. Up to date information for those who are considered clinically extremely vulnerable is available on the government website.  Additional information for re...

Industrial emissions

Some industrial activities which emit substances into the environment could be harmful to wildlife, ecosystems or human health unless they’re controlled.  Industrial emissions are regulated and controlled under the Environmental Permitting Regula...

Recycle electrical items - Recycle

It’s important to recycle old electrical items as they can be harmful to the environment if disposed of in your general waste. Any electrical items, large or small, can be recycled at our local . For a small fee, you can also have most large electr...

Additional monitoring options - Careline

Once you have a Careline in your home, we can also install additional equipment to help keep you safe, including: smoke alarms linked to your lifeline unit using wifi technology - the unit raises an alarm call at our monitoring centre as well as an ...

Winter safety

Cold weather can be a killer. You can start by following these tips to keep your family warm and well in extremely cold weather: keep curtains drawn and doors closed to block draughts have regular hot drinks and at least one hot meal a day if possi...

National charities and support groups - Baby Loss Awareness Week

Need to talk to someone who understands? You can contact the following national and local baby loss charities for support.  Miscarriage Association SANDS (stillbirth and neonatal death charity) The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust HUG (Help Us Grieve) For...

Run, Hide, Tell - Emergencies

Run, Hide, Tell is an information film providing advice on the steps to take to keep safe in the event of a firearms or weapons attack. Police and security agencies are working tirelessly to protect the public but it is also important that communitie...

Councillors - Kneesall, Kersall and Ompton Parish Council

Cllr T S Kirk (Chairman)11 Baulk LaneKneesallNewarkNG22 0AA Cllr R J Taylor (Vice Chairman)Kersall LodgeKersallNewarkNG22 0BH Cllr E FidlerOssington RoadKneesallNewarkNG22 0AB   Cllr C J CuttsChurch Farm CottageSchool LaneKneesallNew...

Contaminated land

The UK has a lot of land that’s contaminated with materials from previous use. This can result in soil and groundwater pollution and potentially cause harm to human health, watercourses and ecosystems. Examples of industrial processes that may have...

Newark Towns Fund Board

Newark Town Board members (PDF File, 415kb) include representatives from the local business and education sectors, relevant national government organisations and/or arm’s length bodies, local representative organisations and community groups; loca...

Landscape Character Assessment SPD

Our Landscape Character Assessment Supplementary Planning Document ('LCA SPD') provides an objective assessment of the varied landscape in Newark and Sherwood. It also gives a greater understanding of what makes our landscape locally distinctive. Th...

Local heritage assets and planning permission - Local heritage assets

In cases where planning permission is required for the redevelopment of a site, the loss of a non-designated heritage asset forms part of the decision-making process. In accordance with paragraph 197 of the National Planning Policy Framework, a judge...

Services - Upton Parish Council

Land Land owned by the Council: The Collies, Upton The Village Hall, Church Lane, Upton The Burial Ground, Church Lane, Upton Allotment land at Springwood Farm, Upton Land at Carr Lane, Upton Upton parish council is also the owner of the open churc...

Planting for the future - Trees and nature conservation

We’re currently undertaking an ambitious tree planting programme - and we need your help. In July 2019, we joined other local authorities across the country in declaring a climate emergency and in doing so, we’ve pledged to work towards developin...

Visitor attractions involving animals

E. coli infection can happen during visits to open farms, where it can transfer from infected animals to humans. We encourage visits to such attractions, but we also strongly recommend taking sensible precautions to help reduce the risk of illnesses ...


Idling is leaving your engine running when your vehicle is stationary. This creates pollution which quickly builds in the air around and inside your car and impacts the quality of the air in the local area and contributes towards air pollution. Hotsp...

Licensing Act 2003

In England and Wales, the Licensing Act 2003 is the legislation used to license premises in their sale of alcohol. It is the basis of alcohol laws and sets out the rules any business selling alcohol must follow. It also regulates certain forms of en...

Meet the team - Yorke Drive Focus

To make the vision of Yorke Drive a reality, we have a skilled project team in place which is committed to regenerating the estate to improve it and make it a safer place for its community to live. The project team includes: Newark and Sherwood Dist...


Pollution can have a detrimental effect on the environment, our wildlife and ecosystems and human health. The Council enforces legislation that keeps our air and environment clean. We also issue permits for certain types of activity and take action a...

Anti social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is behaviour which causes nuisance, harassment, alarm or distress to one or more people in different households. It can affect anyone at any time and is often deeply threatening to our sense of safety. Together with our pa...

Location - Newark Lorry Park

Newark is the quintessential English market town. Its home to the National Civil War Centre, a stunning riverside castle where King John died in 1216, and a thriving, cobbled Market Place overlooked by the Georgian Town Hall. Newark offers an experie...

The Barons' War - King John

The Pope decreed that King John did not have to adhere to the conditions of Magna Carta. The king took the Pope at his word. The result was war. The barons called upon the French for support and the Tower of London was seized. The country was engulfe...

Air pollution

Air is polluted if it contains substances that have a harmful effect: on the environment on health or cause a nuisance We depend on clean air for our wellbeing. Air pollution causes a range of health effects from minor symptoms such as headaches, s...

Where do shows take place? - Live and local Nottinghamshire

Venues for the programme range from village halls to schools and community centres, each providing a warm welcome to both audiences and visiting performers. Some music and street theatre shows are also available for community fun days and village ...

What to do if there's a fire - Fire safety for tenants

If there is a fire in your home or building: keep calm and act quickly, get everyone out as soon as possible don’t waste time investigating what’s happened or rescuing valuables if there’s smoke, keep low where the air is clearer before you op...

Local organisations - Caunton Parish Council

Through the hard work, commitment and enthusiasm of those involved, the village benefits from many active and well supported organisations. These include: Caunton Cricket Club Caunton Garden Club The Village Singers Caunton Lawn Tennis Club Caunton...

Stalking protection orders - Stalking

The Stalking Protection Act 2019 introduced a new civil Stalking Protection Order (SPO) which can be applied by police forces. SPOs can be put in place to enable early police intervention and allowing stalking behaviours to be addressed before they e...

Supporting the LGBT+ community

We’re making our Council LGBT+ friendly and supportive to LGBT+ staff and customers. In May we fly the rainbow flag at Castle House, celebrating the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Interphobia and Biphobia (Idahobit). Organisati...

Craft studios and workshops - Business units to rent

An imaginative conversion of the Victorian stables of Edwinstowe Hall into 16 individual studios, Sherwood Forest Art and Craft Centre is just a few minutes’ walk from the Major Oak and RSPB Visitor Centre. Each studio includes: track lighting sy...

Existing Article 4 directions - Conservation areas

There are a number or properties within Newark which have had their permitted development rights restricted by Article 4 directions. These include a number of 18th and 19th century properties on Balderton Gate, King Street, Parliament Street and Vict...

Safer communities - Tenancy services

Antisocial behaviour is behaviour that causes nuisance, harm or distress. It can range from verbal and physical abuse to disruptive activities including graffiti, drug dealing, drinking and excessive noise. to report antisocial behaviour, hate crime ...

Councillors - Coddington Parish Council

Ms Nerissa McDonald (Chairman)      07793 491449 Mr Mike Ayers (Vice-Chairman)        07831 464598 Mr David Armstrong                        01636 704566 Debbie Brooks Mr Tugkan Dikkez Ms Lorna Mosedale         ...

Our response to fly-tipping - Fly-tipping and abandoned vehicles

We respond to all fly-tipping reports and aim to clear the rubbish within 72 hours, provided it is on a street or in another public place. If the rubbish is dumped on private land, such as farmers' fields and other areas not in public ownership, we w...

Resident health and wellbeing

Find out how you could lead a healthier lifestyle and the schemes available to you. If you need help or support, download this guide to support services in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Nottinghamshire Signposting leaflet (PDF File, 1,108kb) Livi...

Food alerts - Food safety regulations

This is the Food Standards Agency's way of letting consumers and local authorities know about problems associated with food and, in some cases, provide details of specific action to be taken. They are often issued in conjunction with a product withdr...

Winter driving advice - Winter safety

Fog and icy road conditions bring a whole set of additional hazards but a bit of forward planning goes a long way. Set your alarm 15 minutes early so you have time to sit with your car as it warms up and then have a bit more time to make your journey...

Help for men - Domestic Violence Support

In September 2019, Equation launched their #SupportNotSilence campaign with the aim of helping men recognise signs of domestic abuse and get support from the local helpline: 0115 960 5556 Anyone can experience domestic abuse and everyone's experienc...

Wood burning stoves - Smoke control areas

Many people across the district use a wood burning stove to keep their homes warm. Recent research has identified that they are a large contributor to air pollution. If you live in a smoke control area your burner should be an exempt appliance. This ...